I will Relearn Linear Algebra with MIT Opencourseware

Kenichi Noyori
3 min readJan 16, 2021

My Motivations

Firstly, a bit about myself. I’m a junior at Harvard intending to go into grad school to study organic chemistry after completing college. The winter break has left me with a lot of free time, and now is a good chance to reflect on the first steps I have taken towards my goal of becoming a proficient chemist.

One thought I’ve had throughout college is that I’ve done alright in my chemistry and biology classes, but I kind of got away with only a supreficial understanding from my mathematics requirements I completed freshman year, which were a semester each of multivariable calculus and linear algebra.

For chemists a few decades ago, this might not have been a problem. A former Centennial professor at Chemistry and Chair of the Chemistry Department at Colombia, Koji Nakanishi, once remarked “I liked science. I wasn’t mathematically oriented, so I became an organic chemist.”

Professor Nakanishi. From 化学同人『化学 = Chemistry.』第22巻第6号(1967), https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=78119123

However, I think that recent developments in science have largely stripped organic chemists from the luxury of not needing at least a cursory understanding of undergraduate math. The recent news from alphafold, for example, shows how A.I and imformatics can have an immense impact on chemistry research. While chemists may not need to grasp the detailed ins and outs of these technologies…



Kenichi Noyori

I'm interested in biology, chemistry, and science in general. College Student.